Rafael Blanco starts from the observation of the nearby landscape and the changes that new technologies are bringing about in agriculture, where rhythms reach rigorously geometric levels of order to minimize production costs and labor.
Starting from this premise, it uses formal and rhythmic resources produced by the distribution that the human being, agricultural machinery and technology exert on the land for its exploitation, generating denatured territories.
The square, the circle, the hexagon, curved and straight lines are some of the resources used in the works, highlighting one in particular, since it incorporates several layers of meaning that serve as a link between various concepts, triangulation.
It is a traditional geometric method of measurement since the Egyptians and used today by topography software to digitize the territory. In this union between the traditional and the technological, Blanco tries to find a balance between the two realities.
On the other hand, that a series of isolated points are joined by lines, generating a plot that becomes a whole, brings him closer to the way of living rural life from isolation, but due to the new methods of communication and information, these isolations are combated. little by little on the net.
Color also has several significant components. The primary colors cyan, magenta and yellow used in the substantive mixtures of digital prints bring him back to the traditional and technological use, in this case of painting. Black and white together with the range of grays add a philosophical meaning around the dichotomy of Western thought, generating alternatives and possibilities for a more personal and critical vision of landscape, reality and art.
Calle Lope de Vega 31
28014 Madrid
915 357 054