Cris Valencia seeks to reflect issues that have to do with the human being, with his internal nature and relationships, generating reflection and raising feelings in the viewer. Let's not be fooled by the pastel pink color that predominates in his work, traditionally associated in Western culture with sweetness, love, tenderness, innocence and optimism.
At first glance his works may seem delicate, feminine, with soft colors and lines, but in reality, they have little to do with the phrase “everything is pink”, but rather the opposite. His rose is acid, where pain, disappointment and heartbreak coexist with courage, struggle and overcoming. The artist's works are full of strength and delicacy at the same time, they tell us about complex women, their weaknesses and their strengths, what empowers them and what wears them down.
The work is loaded with strong messages, of protagonists who confront with determination and courage their fears, disappointments and sadness, because "life is not a bed of roses".
Committed to feminism, social rights and equality, Cris Valencia's pieces contain an autobiographical part that combines with other languages ​​nourished by puns, films, photographs, texts, etc., thus creating a universe in which surrealism it is very present.
Calle Lope de Vega 31
28014 Madrid
915 357 054